“Putin Work”, “put in work”, “Putin (is a) “work””… is a song that’s original message has been MAGNIFIED by the most recent work/”attack” in Russia. Asking/DEMANDING people (Goyim) care and get upset or even ANGRY at “over 130 killed”, while Israel MURDERS at least that many INNOCENT Palestinians EVERY day, through the GENOCIDE of MORE…
TBG – New Music Video – New Song: Black Jokes
Written and delivered by a half black, half white amerikkkan man… produced by a dude from Germany (with roots in Belgrade/Novi Sad, Serbia) Before you get mad and say something stupid… THINKING and ASKING QUESTIONS is NOT “the problem”, SUBMISSION IS!! #DONTVOTE #teamgoyim #gentilesunite #goyimunite #trumpvirus #blacklivesmatter ENJOY! and Share if you dig this one!
BRAND NEW! Ted Gunderson – The Bilderberg Group – Official Music Video
Before you get all upset because you hear some WORDS or PHRASES that you’ve been PROGRAMMED to react negatively too, LISTEN… Sit back and REALLY LISTEN to the MESSAGE and the WORDS in this song. We think if you’re HONEST, if you’re WILLING to LOOK at things HONESTLY and be HONEST with YOURSELF, you will…
CSK on his way home – with some Hip Hop classics
CSK (the music producer of TBG) was on his way back home – the passenger wanted to listen to his Hip Hop Spotify playlist. Here’s a tiny bit of the 1.5 hr ride. 🙂
Brand New Song: The Price is Right – The Bilderberg Group
Hey folks, we have this new one for you: The Price is Right. Tell your neighbors about us. We’ve produced this one with some fresh new gear – using the Novation MiniNOVA as kind of an extra. Basic tools: Ableton Live 10 – Native Instruments’ Maschine MK2 – Novation Launchpad – Yamaha AG 06 –…
Brand New: P.E.T.A. – The Bilderberg Group – Music Video
P.E.T.A. – Music Video – The Bilderberg Group (produced by Robert Margouleff and Zeus) After almost a YEAR of preparation, and with the UTMOST PRIDE and RESPECT, TBG, produced by 1 half of the INCREDIBLE team behind STEVIE WONDER’S string of HITS in the 70’s (Higher Ground, Superstition, etc.), ROBERT MARGOULEFF and his new partner,…
New Song / Music Video: Equality – The Bilderberg Group
Our new music video/song “Equality” is here! For your own personalized tray, get a hold of Jesse Zuccatto https://www.facebook.com/HydrographXart/ Lyrics: Equality I pledge allegiance To the human race And this thing we SHARE as home No silly republic Or invisible hand One planet Absent god No longer divided Since truth liberates And justice Comes from unity…
The Perfect Drug (Extended Mix) – Nine Inch Nails Cover
We’ve produced an extended version of our Nine Inch Nails Cover “The Perfect Drug” – this is our tribute to Trent Reznor and his amazing body of work. Here’s the YouTube video:
#newmusicalert – The Bilderberg Group – Caku + Music Video feat. 80ies Club Footage
Woohoo! We’ve produced a new epic tune – 7:20 min long! Def. not radion-friendly 😉 Oh yeah, the topics are quite “different” than the usual “birds flying, couples kissing, one-world-hug, etc.” See you on Facebook.
The Bilderberg Group – The Perfect Drug (Nine Inch Nails Cover) – Premiere
Ok folks, so we’ve produced this brand new song: our tribute to Nine Inch Nails / Trent Reznor. You can listen to the song on Soundcloud. You can download the song on Bandcamp. Grab this new tune and 53 more songs for free! (just enter “zero” after clicking on the “buy now-button”) Conspiracy Theory Sells…
November 2024 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tag Cloud
ableton live producer alternative hip hop ambient music beat poetry beatport release bilderberg music charles kuzmanovic collaboration cover version detroit electro electro music producer electronica electronic music experimental music guy williams hip hop hip hop music hollywood human trafficking IDM intelligent dance music kids m-audio moose munich music collaboration music producers music video native instruments new music new music video novation launchpad pedophiles pizzagate politics rap music religion save the children scandal spoken word spoken word music tbg the bilderberg group the bilderberg group music