“Putin Work”, “put in work”, “Putin (is a) “work””… is a song that’s original message has been MAGNIFIED by the most recent work/”attack” in Russia. Asking/DEMANDING people (Goyim) care and get upset or even ANGRY at “over 130 killed”, while Israel MURDERS at least that many INNOCENT Palestinians EVERY day, through the GENOCIDE of MORE…
(Too Many Questions) – TBG – Official Music Video
Hey folks, #TBG is back with a brand new #chillhop track: “(Too Many Questions)”We’ve updated our Bandcamp profile: take a look. LYRICS: Why am I so pathetic? Why must I always lose? Why does it seem I’m always headed Down the path to be abused? Why am I so confused? Why can’t I just believe?…
TBG – New Music Video – New Song: Black Jokes
Written and delivered by a half black, half white amerikkkan man… produced by a dude from Germany (with roots in Belgrade/Novi Sad, Serbia) Before you get mad and say something stupid… THINKING and ASKING QUESTIONS is NOT “the problem”, SUBMISSION IS!! #DONTVOTE #teamgoyim #gentilesunite #goyimunite #trumpvirus #blacklivesmatter ENJOY! and Share if you dig this one!
The Perfect Drug (Extended Mix) – Nine Inch Nails Cover
We’ve produced an extended version of our Nine Inch Nails Cover “The Perfect Drug” – this is our tribute to Trent Reznor and his amazing body of work. Here’s the YouTube video:
You Can Download Each Of Our Songs Individually Now
Ok folks, we’ve uploaded all of our songs to our web server. You can now download each of our songs individually, by browsing that certain FTP folder. In order to get there, simply write an email to: hello@the-bilderberg-group.com and we’ll send you the login details.
#pizzagate Lyrics – The Bildberberg Group Music!
We’ve released the track “#pizzagate” not so long ago. In case you haven’t seen the official music video or haven’t been on our Soundcloud page, here are the lyrics: “Comet Will make your children scream Comet Don’t buy the ping pong thing Comet You’ll gag and vomit So go to comet And stomp it Today…
November 2024 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tag Cloud
ableton live producer alternative hip hop ambient music beat poetry beatport release bilderberg music charles kuzmanovic collaboration cover version detroit electro electro music producer electronica electronic music experimental music guy williams hip hop hip hop music hollywood human trafficking IDM intelligent dance music kids m-audio moose munich music collaboration music producers music video native instruments new music new music video novation launchpad pedophiles pizzagate politics rap music religion save the children scandal spoken word spoken word music tbg the bilderberg group the bilderberg group music